TEST Environment

COVID-19 and Technology Webinar Series

This FREE webinar series is designed to educate safety professionals and business leaders on how innovative technology solutions can play an important role in mitigating COVID-19 risks. Hear from organizations embracing technology to manage everything from physical distancing to workplace testing, and contact tracing to public transportation.

Technology and COVID-19: Mitigating Risk with Technology Solutions - Aug. 20

Learn how technology has helped decrease some of the risk related to COVID-19. NSC President and CEO Lorraine M. Martin and Consumer Technology Association CEO Gary Shapiro discuss SAFER’s response on how technology can help get people back to work safely.

Technology for Public Transportation - Aug. 27

Traveling for work always brings its own considerations and challenges, which is truer now than ever in the time of COVID-19. Careful planning, information gathering and on-the-ground diligence is important to keeping everyone safe and healthy. This webinar will explore what organizations are doing to help keep people safe as they travel during the pandemic.

Technology for Physical Distancing - Sept. 3

Physical distancing remains a critical part of the pandemic. This webinar discusses technologies that can be used to help with physical distancing and how companies are embracing wearable technologies to maintain and enforce physical distancing.

Technology for Testing and Contact Tracing - Sept. 10

The fact that many infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic means it is important for organizations and workplaces to take precautionary measures to protect their workforces and the public. This webinar discusses procedures for testing and screening organizations can implement and how contact tracing is a key tool in reducing virus transmission.

Digital Health and Telemedicine - Sept. 17

In response to COVID-19, healthcare systems have quickly reorganized to support the increase in demand for digital health and telecare. Virtual healthcare has been critical in many aspects during the pandemic. This discussion is on the use of technology as an essential part of health response plans for future public health emergencies.

Technology as a Long Term Response to COVID - Sept. 24

The final webinar of this series is a panel discussion on how technology will play a long-term role around COVID-19 and viewpoints on the future of the workplace.

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