TEST Environment

Ensure a SAFER Transition to In-person Instruction

SAFER: Safe Actions for Employee Returns is a comprehensive effort to guide employers through the process of safely resuming traditional work and operations now and in a post-quarantine environment. SAFER was created by the National Safety Council, in partnership with a task force of Fortune 500 companies, leading safety organizations and public health experts.

With the U.S. education system employing more than 3 million teachers and staff, SAFER has developed a School Administrators playbook, offering recommendations for safely returning to in-person learning using workplace risk-prevention strategies geared toward mitigating the spread of COVID-19. This playbook is based on recommendations and playbooks designed to help employers align worker safety with business objectives, as laid out in the SAFER Framework.

Additional SAFER resources of interest to school officials include an online Organizational Vulnerability Assessment, where administrators can conduct a risk assessment of their facilities and receive recommendations to help create an action plan. Be sure to also check out these checklists and quick hit resources. Looking for more custom support? Request a consultation from NSC.

School administrators and district officials should also consider the guidelines and requirements put forth by the CDCU.S. Department of Education and relevant state and county education boards. For additional recommendations, visit education-related associations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Council on School Facilities.

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