TEST Environment

State of the Response

State Actions to Address the Pandemic

Within six short months, COVID-19 has claimed more lives than accidental drug overdoses, motor vehicle crashes and falls combined. With states serving as the front lines of the pandemic, NSC created the State of the Response report to better understand the safety implications of each state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report reveals 39 states did not go far enough to protect residents, jeopardizing the safety of the nation’s workforce.

  • Only 12 states received an "on-track" rating
  • Twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia received a "lagging" rating
  • Ten states received an "off-track" rating

States' Efforts Ranked on Five Key Areas

The report assessed states’ efforts in five key areas based on recommendations from the SAFER effort, created by NSC to provide much-needed guidance to businesses to manage this crisis. The report also highlights best practices states can use to better address these issues to keep the public and workplaces safe and healthy. The five areas include:

  • Employer guidelines
  • Testing
  • Contact tracing
  • Mental health and substance use
  • Roadway safety

Register Today: Upcoming Virtual Summit

In addition to providing businesses with guidance, tools and solutions to respond to the pandemic, NSC has been actively monitoring the collective efforts to keep Americans safe and healthy.

To share the broader implications of our national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NSC will host the State of COVID-19 Response and Future World of Work Summit, presented by SAFER on Dec. 9. Aimed at helping businesses, policymakers and leaders, the Summit will explore topics including the efficacy of states’ shelter-in-place orders, how employers addressed this century’s biggest threat to workplace safety and the future world of work beyond the crisis.

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