TEST Environment

Road to Zero Safety Priority Statements

The Road to Zero Coalition is working to end preventable deaths on U.S. roadways by 2050. With that goal in mind, the Coalition is developing Safety Priority Statements that most – if not all – Coalition members can support.

Following are Safety Priority Statements developed by Coalition Steering Committee members. The statements and accompanying strategy serve as a model, and Coalition members interested in advancing additional Safety Priority Statements should follow these templates:

Propose a Priority Statement

Coalition members will be invited to "sign on" to strategies their organization can support and are encouraged to work with other Coalition members on advancing those selected strategies. Any member of the Coalition can propose a Safety Priority Statement. Members will have opportunities to discuss potential priority statements and strategies, and collaborate on their advancement, at Coalition meetings.

All new Safety Priority Statements and strategies will be reviewed and approved by the Coalition Steering Group. Priority will be give to the most impactful with the greatest Coalition support and potential for success.

Email all questions or draft priority statements to RoadToZero@nsc.org, or call (630) 775-2258 for more information.

The National Safety Council leads the Road to Zero initiative in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation – specifically the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

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