TEST Environment

Upcoming Webinars

Transportation Safety for Youth from A to Z
11 a.m. (ET) Thursday, Nov. 19

COVID-19 has changed transportation patterns for all road users, including our youngest community members. Finding safe and healthy ways to get kids to school is more important than ever. This webinar will explore recent efforts to keep students safe, including UNICEF and the Child Health Initiative’s Guidance on Safe and Healthy Journeys to School during COVID-19. Attendees will learn about this and other efforts to improve transportation safety, explore tactics deployed across the globe and discuss how to put it into practice.

On the Road to Zero: Child Passenger Safety
2 p.m. (ET) Tuesday, Dec. 8

The Road to Zero Coalition’s shared mission of getting to zero deaths by 2050 cannot be achieved without addressing the safety of our youngest road users. This webinar will explore child passenger safety, including current trainings, trends and research around the topic. Attendees of this webinar will learn about opportunities to improve child passenger safety both systematically and in their own communities.

Road to Zero Events Archive

Watch recordings of meetings and access supporting documents and presentations.

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