TEST Environment

Injury Facts®, the annual statistical report on unintentional injuries produced by the National Safety Council, is the complete reference for safety statistics. Based on this data, we can determine a person's odds of dying from various causes.So, how likely are you do die from:

  • Heart disease or cancer?
  • A fall?
  • Hornets, wasps or bees?
  • A cataclysmic storm?

While such questions may strike some as macabre, the National Safety Council frequently receives these inquiries.

What are the Odds?

  • The Odds of Dying chart, based on Injury Facts data, is a visual depiction of the lifetime odds of death from selected causes
  • Within the data details, the greater the odds of an individual dying from a given cause, the larger the representative square
  • Additionally, complete one-year and lifetime death odds are available in Injury Facts 2017, pages 40-43

These odds are statistical averages over the U.S. population. They do not reflect the odds of death for a particular person from a particular cause, which varies significantly based on lifestyle, occupation, residence, and many other factors.

How Many Injuries Occur on Amusement Park Rides?

NSC and the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions annually conduct a survey of theme parks, family entertainment centers and tourist attractions with fixed-site rides. Injury estimates are rated by ride type and severity. Read amusement park injury data.

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